Save the Apostrophe! Waterstone's becomes Waterstones?


The apostrophe is a valuable piece of grammatical real estate my friends. It changes "cant" to "can't" and "wont" to "won't." Apparently, it also changes the name of a bookstore into a Twitter firestorm! I personally couldn't care less what a business calls itself. I'm opening a boutique shop that sells vintage toilet paper hand-curated from Devo concerts and I'm calling it "Wipe it. Wipe it good."

So there. Waterstone's (I mean "Waterstones") can call themselves "Buy our books and get out" if they want. The ridiculous cover story about URLs and email addresses makes me laugh, though. Umm, everyone under age 70 isn't typing punctuation into URLs and email addresses. I know because no one ever visited www.i'cedteaandsarcasm' I learned that lesson REAL fast.

Besides, it's clear why they dropped the apostrophe: they hate our freedom. Let's invade. I mean "Lets invade!"


Posted via email from toddx's posterous


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