| | The ground-breaking Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls invites girls from all over the country to learn how to rock DIY-style: forming bands, writing songs, and playing a gig all in one week. These girls are empowered with self-discovery, achieving things they never thought possible, and Girls Rock! is the movie about their inspiring journey. "Simultaneously revolutionary, heartbreaking and laugh-out-loud funny. Absolutely not to be missed." – Seattle Magazine |

| | GIRLS ROCK! THE MOVIE "The first time I saw the students at the Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls kicking out the jams on their guitars and drums," says Girls Rock! co-director Arne Johnson, "I giggled happily... and then was inexplicably moved to tears." It was this emotional reaction that launched him and co-director Shane King to follow four students through the Camp experience and discover what many books and studies have already described—girls are struggling with a bewildering and heartbreaking array of challenges to their self-image. Through video diaries and camp week footage, girls from all walks of life share their dreams, thoughts about being a girl in this society, and excitement about rock 'n' roll. Witnessing their growth and change in their perception of themselves and each other, film-goers will transform right along with the girls. Bring your daughters! Learn more about Girls Rock! The Movie See the trailer, join the message boards, request a screening near you, win a guitar, and spread the girl rock love! Join the opening weekend festivities in: SAN FRANCISCO - Attend the Friday evening premiere at the Embarcadero Center Theater with Directors' Q&A afterward.
- Stay for the opening night party from 8:30 – 10 p.m., hosted by Chronicle Books. Audience members with a ticket stub from the 7 p.m. showing are invited to meet the filmmakers, learn more about the girls rock programs, and support the Bay Area camp opening this summer. Location: The Holding Company (2 Embarcadero Center, Promenade Level)
BERKELEY - Shattuck Cinemas premieres the movie Friday night.
- Doors open Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. with pre-show entertainment: live music from local girl bands like The As Ifs, and interactive instrument stations provided by the new Bay Area Girls Rock Camp for kids to rock out. The 12:30 and 2:30 matinees will be followed by Director Q&A.
PORTLAND VIP party with a red carpet walk for rockin' girls and free popcorn, guest appearances by mayoral candidate Sam Adams and the Rose City Rollers, and a performance by girl band Bluebird in honor of International Women's Day on March 8th. NEW YORK Panel discussion hosted by NOW NYC on issues affecting girls today, Director Q&A, limited edition Girls Rock! Fender Stratocaster giveaway, a mini rock camp hosted by the Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls, and a performance by girl band Care Bears on Fire in honor of International Women's Day on March 8th. LOS ANGELES Panel discussion hosted by Write Girl, a great org that helps empower girls through writing, including founder and executive director, singer-songwriter Keren Taylor; Grammy-award winning songwriter and WriteGirl mentor, Michelle Lewis; and Grammy Foundation Coordinator, Education Initiatives, Valerie Vanderwest. The film also opens this weekend in SEATTLE and CHICAGO with Directors' Q&A and Fender guitar giveaways. More cities coming soon! |

| | ROCK 'N' ROLL CAMP FOR GIRLS: HOW TO START A BAND, WRITE SONGS, RECORD AN ALBUM, AND ROCK OUT! Inspired by the film? Share the Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls experience with a girl in your life by pre-ordering Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls, available in June from Chronicle Books. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Camp. This book brings the camp's inspiring, hands-on approach and advice from its all-star crew of female musicians to girls everywhere. Fun and informative features offer instruction and tips on how to play instruments, write songs, publicize a show, sing your heart out, and much more. Featuring a short history of women in rock, 50 awesome illustrations and photos of young bands, and contributions by members of Sleater-Kinney, The Gossip, Mirah, and others, Rock 'N' Roll Camp for Girls will have readers turning up their amps in no time! |
 | | ROCK 'N' ROLL CAMP FOR GIRLS Girls, get ready to rock! The Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls, a nonprofit organization devoted to building girls' self-esteem through music creation and performance, is located in Portland, Oregon. The Camp provides workshops and technical training, creates leadership opportunities, cultivates a supportive community of peers and mentors, and encourages social change and the development of life skills. Since opening in 2001, it has grown into a year-round program with girls rock camps across the country and world. Find one near you! Learn more about the Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls at www.girlsrockcamp.org. |
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