Josh Duhamel flies the unfriendly skies

Dear Josh,
We all know you're cute--extremely handsome some might say. Hey, we've even seen your early nude photos and, for the first time ever, wanted to unironically ask, "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" But, Josh, I have to say that we're worried.
First, Fergie. Some terrible things have been said about Fergie by Perez Hilton and his ilk. I can't say if they're true or not, and the ad hominem attacks (while funny) don't really tell me that much. I personally think her band is shockingly overrated, though. I mean, they sing the days of the week in a song for Christ's sake. And I just can't stop thinking "mis-match" when I see you together. Did I mention how pretty you are?
Now, there's this incident with you refusing to turn off your Blackberry and being rude to a flight attendant. Josh, we all know that it's bogus that texts from a phone can bring down a plane , but it's the rule. So, put the phone away and watch the crappy in-flight entertainment like the rest of us. Can you ever really get enough of 'Two and a half Men' or 'The Big Bang Theory'?
The rudeness is inexcusable and I think you should apologize personally rather than through your spokesperson. Man up and tell the attendant you're sorry, then buy him something nice. It's really the least you--a gorgeous movie star married to an internationally famous singer--can do.
Did I mention I think you're gorgeous?
Todd X
PS. Call me!