Bid Farewell to Bay to Breakers

Bay to Breakers is officially over. At least, they have gone and eviscerated it. SF Gate reports that in addition to no floats and no alcohol, the rules now state NO NUDITY!! There's a reason we call it "Bare to Breakers." Just as there's a reason this thing is run in San Francisco and not Omaha. We like things to be crazy and chaotic and edgy. We like sexuality and nudity and insanity. Think Folsom, the Castro, the Haight, and Barney's on Union Square!!
I've never run B2B, and you can be sure that I'll have nothing to do with it now. If someone can't push me around in a cart while I sip Grey Goose and admire the pale nude bodies around me, what is the point?
Thanks for nothing ING.
