Cirque du Soleil and Ovo

Ovo was fun tonight. I saw people dressed as bugs do amazing things with their bodies. A woman did a handstand on another woman's foot who was also doing a handstand. And the trampolines and rock climbing wall bit was the best.

But. Yes, that pesky but. Ovo and its egg tormented me. I kept expecting something to pop out of the egg and do somersaults. Alas, no. The egg was just an egg. Don't they know I need metaphors!!

Posted via email from toddx's posterous


torchy! said…
i've seen a performance to the music of Ovo. not cirque de soleil tho.

is this an iphone hipstamatic photo?

toddx said…
It's an app called "ShakeItPhoto." I like its Polaroid effect the best.
Lucky butt, when you were doing that I was at home eating tostitos and watching "Heathers."
toddx said…
AB, that's not such a bad night. I've been known to do the same thing if you substitute Ruffles for Tostitos.

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