The End of An Era: Paper Muni Fast Pass Ends This October in SF

The rumors are true. Paper Fast Passes are going away. No more bent and wrinkled passes that barely register in Muni's card readers. No more guys standing at the Powell St. cable car turnaround offering to buy last month's Fast Passes (they're good for 3 days into the new month!). Instead, we're now stuck with another credit card-like thing in our wallets/purses. Here's the official announcement:
The SFMTA is moving to TransLink! Online sales of monthly paper passes will end after June 22, 2010 (July pass sales period)
MUNI Diaries emailed SFMTA and talked to spokesperson Murray Bond. Here’s the skinny:
The last day to purchase monthly paper Fast Passes online at is June 22. They can also be purchased online at through June 16 and thereafter at The paper passes will be phased out in October and customers must load them on a Clipper card beginning November 1.
As a salute to the passing of the Pass, Muni Diaries put together this "look at Fast Passes through the years."
February 1978

Photo by Troy Holden
June 1991

Photo by sbfisher
May 1996

Photo by size8jeans
December 2007

Photo by cbcastro

Photo by Steve Rhodes
For more photos of John Kuzich’s Fast Pass exhibit at the DeYoung from summer 2009, see Flickr.
December 2009

Photo by Trevor H
January 2010

Photo by spieri_sf

Photo by Troy Holden