Hellooooo, Murse! Do you carry a man-bag?

via nydailynews.com
This article was called "Men with Baggage." Methinks the NY Daily News speaks the truth. The guys in this piece have some serious baggage. And since when did we start calling these things "murses"?
Look, I carry a messenger bag almost everywhere. It's the norm in SF. I carry a pretty plain (albeit self-designed) Timbuktu bag. It's a little worn and I need to replace it. But, a murse?! I think not. And $2000-3000 on one? No way.
Now, had this been an article about shoes, I might have had a different opinion. Shoes are TOTALLY worth $2000.
I carry a laptop everywhere, so a bag is an inevitable accessory. Not spending 2 grand for one, though. Hell, I didn't spend that much for the computer either.
These: http://www.treehugger.com/ugly-shoes.jpg