Why "Twilight" is destroying America

I found this posted on Facebook by my friend Kevin and had to share.

Fan Made: Bella's Womb from 'Twilight' (aka Creepiest 'Fan Made' Ever)

by Erik Davis Feb 5th 2009 // 1:01PM

Filed under: Fandom, Images, Fan Made

We've been writing these little Fan Made posts for awhile now, and although I'd like to think that I've seen just about everything you wacky fans can come up with, this little nugget of fandom came along and just about cost me my breakfast. Oh yes, one creative (and creepy) Twilight fan actually took the time to felt together Bella's womb, complete with -- wait for it -- an actual felted mutant fetus inside! Who in their right mind does stuff like this? Seriously, who wakes up one day and says, "Ya know, I think I want to spend the next week or so recreating what Bella's womb would look like with a mutant fetus inside, and then maybe share it with fans on the internet ... because they'll of course think I'm, like, completely normal and stuff."

We love you Twilight fans -- we really do. You're passionate, loyal and determined to spend as much time as you possibly can caring, loving and rooting for these fictional characters. But I think (or should I say, hope) you agree with me when I say we've discovered the limit. This is when you should turn to your child and say, "Mayyybe it's time to take on something a little more productive." Check out both the closed womb and the open womb w/ mutant fetus in the gallery below -- then tell us: Is this the creepiest piece of fan-created junk you've ever seen? If not, what beat this?

Gallery: Bella's Womb

[via This Journal and Scott Neumyer's Twitter]

I can't look at this thing. Actually, I'm pretty sure it just moved. Eww, eww, eww.

Now, what about Taylor Lautner's womb?

Posted via web from toddx's posterous


Gauss Jordan said…
Oh. Oh dear.

You know, I want to Twilight for one reason: It's the fact that this movie poster looks like a "Thunder From Down Under" billboard.

I feel a little "extra gay" admitting that I want to see this movie for the same reason as millions of teen girls. I should go watch some football to compensate.

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